
Saturday, March 17, 2012

The 5 Month Checkup


It has now been over 6 months as a vegan and I'm hanging in there.  Last month I had another cholesterol test. The local pharmacy offers health screenings every few months and I decided to pay the $38 dollars for another full cholesterol test (HDL, LDL, triglycerides)   I had been so looking forward to this one as I was certain my total cholesterol would have considerably dropped.  The previous test  I had dropped 27 points in my total cholesterol to under 200 for the first time in years and that was  after only being on the vegan diet  6 weeks! 

BUT! after 5 months a vegan,  I INCREASED my total cholesterol (TC) by 4 points!  Bummer!  On the bright side, this was mostly due to my good cholesterol (HDL) increasing.  This actually reduced  my TC/HDL ratio to 3.29  which is well within an optimum range.  Even though I was satisfied with the results, I was disappointed and surprised the overall total didn't drop more.  I am now up to 204.   Side note:  I also took a glucose reading and that was 78 - normal level.  Not that I have had problems in the past, but just want to keep track since I have been upping my carb intake.         

With that said,  This month I'm going to focus on dropping a few more pounds by cutting back on some of the pasta/nuts and TRY to introduce exercise a few times a week (now that's the tough one!)  but I'm determined to see my stats improve and I would like to see my energy increase.  Energy is one area that I have not seen benefits yet.  I had low energy before the diet and still not much energy.  The exercise should help.    I feel like I am doing a science experience on myself, but it is empowering.

Successes To date:  Keep in mind not only did I cut out dairy and meat, but also most white flour processed foods, replaced with whole grains.

1- Dropped total cholesterol 23 points & ratio in optimum healthy range 3.29 
2- Haven't popped a TUMs in 6 months. No heartburn!
3- Never have the irritable bowels or stomach aches that I used to get frequently.
4- My hands and feet are not cold like they ALWAYS used to be. I think my circulation must be improving.
5- Dropped 7 lbs.
6- I rarely get those sugar low feelings.   I guess you call that hypoglycemic.       

Have I had any adverse side effects to a vegan diet? 

Well, there hasn't really been any adverse side effects.  Other than being a little gassy.   Okay, VERY gassy! :-/  Yes, you will naturally be more gassy as you introduce more fiber and nutrient-rich foods in your diet. Sometimes I hear my stomach singing out loud while it is trying to digest all that goodness. Embarrassing as that may seem, it is a heathy symptom!   As my sister would say , "TMI" -Too Much Information. (I hope none of my friends read this)    

 Initially I may have had withdrawals from chocolate. That was tough to give up.  Now, I can honestly say I don't even crave or think about desserts. If one is staring me in the face, I may choose to take a bite as part of my 4% non-vegan allowance, but I can take it or leave it.

Also in the first few weeks as a vegan I did experience some headaches, and I rarely had got headaches prior to that.  Maybe it was a detox period, but it passed.  

No turning back now!! :)         

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