
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Spilling the Beans!

Well, I've managed to make it through the week only washing my hair twice and letting it air dry into a wavy frizz.   At work, two people noticed my hair looked different.   My boss even said it looked thinner. Lovely!  I called the hairdresser  to get more info on what may have happened as my scalp hurt for three days after she colored it, so I think there is more to this story...but only the hairdresser will ever know for sure.   Meanwhile, I will continue to treat my hair gently.   It doesn't seem to be falling out any more than normal now. 

(Side Note:  With my hair and nails showing the signs of a potential protein deficiency, why does my chin still have no problem growing hair?  This 52 year old woman would like to know!!!)  

Notice how I have already devoted three blog entries to my hair? No, I'm not vain! Not at all! :-/.   But this does seem like a test of my priorities.

Like I said in my last blog, I started eating sardines as a supplement.   I felt desperate.   I ate a total of one 4oz can this week .   I selected sardines in part because of the protein, but also the high vitamin D and B12 content, which is difficult to get on a vegan diet.   Also, it aligns with my Norwegian roots!   My dad's family from Stavanger and my mom’s family from the Oslo area. :)

One can of sardines holds 220% Daily requirement of B12 and over 100% of vitamin D. The down side, the cholesterol content is high, so we will have to see what that does to my cholesterol levels next blood test. This is quite a balancing act.

Now that the lock shock has subsided a bit, I have begun to evaluate my vegan protein intake the last few months.   A woman needs about 46g of protein.   How am I getting sufficient amounts eating a spinach salad every day at lunch? Not easily.   Yes, I do sprinkle some sunflower seeds on top but I would have to eat at least a 1/2 a cup to get 13g of protein.   Since I started my new job, a spinach salad is mostly what I eat and I cut out the beans I used to place on top since, after all, I am at WORK!

I have peanut butter on toast most mornings,  that makes up about 10g of protein and in the evenings lots of veggies with rice/pasta, is typical. Maybe I would get another 10g at best.   So I don't know how I am even close to 46g a day.   I should be eating more tofu, lentils, and quinoa as these are fairly high in protein, and yes, I need to bring back the beans!

Below is a link to sample vegan diets that have sufficient protein intake.   I guess I didn't do my homework well enough prior to starting....but it's not too late.


For Easter tomorrow, my oldest son and his girlfriend are coming down to help me make my vegan sweet potato lasagna (based on a recipe from Rip Esselstyn's Engine2 diet).   My husband will be barbecuing lamb steaks that my brother and he will enjoy.   We will have a nice large salad as well.

Happy Easter to All ......and Skål!

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